add - add(record, [first])
Adds a record or records to the grid.
Adds a column or columns to the grid.
Adds a visible range or ranges to the grid.
Adds a search or searches to the grid.
Processes blur events.
clear - clear([noRefresh])
Removes all records from the grid.
click - click(recid, [event])
Called when user clicks on a record.
Copies the content of a cell to the clipboard.
Called when user clicks on the collapse record icon.
Called when user clicks on the column.
Called when user right clicks on the column.
Called when user double clicks on the column.
Called when user opens grid settings (on grids toolbar) and selects an item.
Hides tooltip of specific column.
Displays tooltip of specific column.
Shows a context confirmation dialog for the grid
Called when user clicks on a context menu item.
Returns selected records in tab-delimited text format.
Called when user double clicks on a record.
Called when user deletes record(s).
editField - editField(recid, column, [value], [event])
Enters edit mode for the specified record and field.
Display error message dialog.
expand - expand(recid, [noRefresh])
Called when user clicks on the expand record icon.
find - find(match, [returnIndex])
Finds and returns matched records.
Processes focus events.
get - get(recid, [returnIndex])
Finds the record and returns its object or index in records array.
Returns the content of a cell.
Returns null or the editable object if the given cell is editable.
getCellHTML - getCellHTML(index, column_index, [summary])
Returns final HTML for the cell.
getCellValue - getCellValue(index, column_index, [summary], [extra])
Returns parse value for the cell.
Returns array of changed record objects.
getColumn - getColumn([field], [returnIndex])
Finds the column and returns its object or index in columns array.
Returns HTML of a grid column cell.
Returns HTML of grid columns.
Returns first record displayed in the grid
Returns HTML for grid footer.
Returns HTML for a line-number cell.
Returns the content of a cell.
Returns range data defined to the given range object.
Returns final HTML for a record.
Returns HTML of grid records in the scroll view.
getSearch - getSearch([field], [returnIndex])
Finds the search and returns its object or index in searches array.
Returns applied search object for specified field.
Returns HTML of search fields.
Returns current grid selection.
Returns HTML of summary records.
Hides a column or columns.
Hides a search or searches.
Initializes global search field.
Refreshes toolbar button that allows to show/hide columns.
Initializes operator for the search field.
Initializes column resize elements.
Initializes search fields when user opens advanced search overlay.
Creates w2toolbar object based on grid.toolbar definition.
Processes keydown events.
load - load(url, [callBack])
Loads records from specified url.
Performs search on local data set.
localSort - localSort([silent], [noResetRefresh])
Performs sort on local data set.
lock - lock(message, [showSpinner])
Locks the grid.
Merges user changes into the records array.
Shows a context message for the grid
nextCell - nextCell(index, colIndex, editable)
Returns next cell or null if it is last cell in the grid.
nextRow - nextRow(index, [colIndex], [numRows=1])
Returns next row or null if it is the last row.
Paste tab-delimited text into the grid.
Paste tab-delimited text into the grid.
prevCell - prevCell(index, colIndex, editable)
Returns previous cell or null if it is first cell in the grid.
prevRow - prevRow(index, [colIndex], [numRows=1])
Returns previous row or null if it is the very first row.
Refreshes only the portion of grid that has records.
Refreshes one cell on the screen.
Refreshes ranges defined for the grid.
Refreshes one row on the screen.
Reloads records from remote data source.
remove - remove(recid1, recid2, ...)
Removes records from the grid.
Removes a column or columns from the grid.
removeRange - removeRange(range_name, [range_name], ...)
Removes a range or ranges from the grid.
Removes a search or searches from the grid.
request - request(cmd, [params, [url, [callBack]]])
Prepares and submits request to the server.
Called to process data that was returned from the server.
reset - reset([noRefresh])
Resets the grid to the initial state.
Called to resize grid's elements.
Called to resize grid's records.
Called when user saves inline editing changes.
Rebuilds grids records HTML based on scroll bar position.
Scrolls to the specified records
Scrolls to the specified column
search - search([field], value)
Searches records in the grid.
Closes overlay with advanced search options (if it was open).
Opens overlay with advanced search options.
Resets previous search to the default values.
Resets previous search to the default values.
select - select(recid1, recid2, ...)
Selects records in the grid.
Selects all records in the grid.
Unselects all selected records in the grid.
Restores last remembered selection
Remembers current selection
set - set([recid], record, [noRefresh])
Finds the record and extends it with provided object.
Shows the info bubble on a cell.
Shows a column or columns.
Shows a search or searches.
Skips a number of records specified.
Sorts records in the grid.
Resets grid state to the default one.
Restores grid state from local storage.
Saves grid state into local storage.
Displays status text.
Toggles record between expand and collapse states.
Toggles column between hidden and shown states.
Toggles a search between hidden and shown states.
Called when user clicks the Add New button on the toolbar.
Called when user clicks the Delete button on the toolbar.
Unlocks the grid.
unselect - unselect(recid1, recid2, ...)
Unselects records in the grid.
Updates specified cells
Updates column definition
Enable/disable toobar buttons based on record selection