
Prepares and submits request to the server.
request(cmd, [params, [url, [callBack]]])
cmd string, name of the command
params object, map of additional parameters to submit to the server (optional)
url string, server url of the request (optional)
callBack function, call back function (optional)
Returns undefined.


Prepares and submits request to the server by calling the .url with cmd command. This method is used internally, but can also be used any time during run-time.
The first parameter cmd can be one of the following:
  • get-records
  • delete-records
  • save-records
The second optional argument params is the map of additional properties to submit to the server. This method will already submit grid's state such as searchData, sortData, postData, which you do not need to include again. The third optional argument url defines the url where to submit the request, if it is different from the .url property.
This method emits onRequest event.
If you have grid defined in the following way: You can do the following:

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