Indicates if the next editable field should be focused when editing the current field is completed,
Indicates if the records should be loaded from the server automatically as user scrolls.
buttons - Object, default see below
Object that contains default toolbar items
Default values for the column
Array of column group objects.
Defines the position of the column tooltip.
Array of column objects.
Array of object for context menu.
Defines dateType for the grid
Defines default operator for each search type group
Indicates if column vertical scsoll (virtualization) is enabled.
Indicates if the body of the grid is of fixed height.
Indicates if grid has keyboard focus. Read Only.
The header of the grid.
Optional request headers.
Indicates if grid should listen to keyboard.
last - Object, default see below
Internal grid's variables.
limit - Integer, default = 100
Number of records to return from remote data source per attempt.
Width for the line number column.
Indicates if result of the search should be highlighted.
method - String, default = null
Overwrites method for ajax requests.
msgAJAXerror - String, default = 'AJAX error. See console for more details.'
Error message when server returns undefined error.
msgDelete - String, default = 'Are you sure you want to delete ${count} ${records}?'
Confirmation message when user clicks the delete button.
Message that appears in the middle of the grid when remote srouce returns no records.
msgNeedReload - String, default = 'Your remote data source record count has changed, reloading from the first record.'
Message that is displaed when total number of records on the server changed, and a reload from top is needed.
msgNotJSON - String, default = 'Returned data is not in valid JSON format.'
Error message when server does not return JSON structure.
Message that appears when grid refreshes.
Default server error message that appears when server responed with an error but w/o message.
Indicates if multi field search is allowed.
Indicates if record multi select is allowed.
Indicates if column multi sort is allowed.
Indicates if field names should be parsed
Number of records to skip when retrieving records from remote source.
operators - Object, default = {...} // see below
Defines operators for different types of search fields
Defines a map of search type to operator type
parser - Function, default = null
Function to parse server response.
Map of additional parameter to submit to remove data source.
Array of all ranges defined for the grid.
recid - String, default = null
Name for the recid field in the records array.
Height of the record.
Array of record objects.
Indicates if reordering of columns is allowed.
Indicates if reordering of rows is allowed.
Object with data for the route.
Array of search objects (submitted to data source for record filtering).
Map for search fields (local to remote).
Array of search objects.
Defines selection type.
show - Object, default - see below
Map of indicators which elements of the grid are visible.
Displays context menu under specified record.
Number of records to show that are before and after the matched record
Array of sort objects (submitted to data source for record sorting).
Map for sort fields (local to remote).
Defines which column properties when state is saved
Defines state id to save to local storage
Summary records that displayed on the bottom
Defines tab index for the grid.
Defines how the text search behaves.
Toolbar for the grid.
total - Integer, default = 0
Total number of records.
url - String or Object, default = ''
URL to the remote data source.
Defines the number of extra records to display when virtualizing
Defines the number of records in the grid when to start virtualization