
Updates specified cells
options objects, optional an object with parameters for the update
Returns time it took to update (in milliseconds).


This method is super fast and update grid within a few milliseconds (grid.refresh() in comparison take about 30-80ms depending on the data). It will only update records within the virtual scroll and those that changed.
If called without arguments, it will update entire grid. If column value did not change, (DOM has same html as what grid.getCellValue() returns for the specified cell), it will not reinsert HTML into the DOM. The update function will transform data through renderers, and also take into account classes and styles defined on the column or record level. It will keep current selection in the grid, if any.
The options If you have following grid: Update what's changed: Update specific cells: Update all cells on screen except cells in the specified columns: Update all cells that changed with full cell refresh (not frequent):

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