W2UI 1.2 Released
May 4, 2013
I am happy to announce the release of
w2ui ver 1.2. This is the first release with contributions from the community.
Since the previous release, I have received a lot of positive comments and am very excited to see that w2ui has been well accepted
by so many people. I would like to express many thanks and kudos to everyone who contributed to this release.
Special thanks to
@blr21560 for the help with LESS conversion and localization, to
@fungms for various improvements and bug fixes. And to everyone else who contributed by testing, submitting bugs
working on tutorials and documentation.
The short story
In short, this release has a ton of bug fixes, improvements, updated documentation and demos. I cannot hold up this release any longer because
many times when people submit request for a bug fix, it is already fixed in current version. The following is the list of updates in this release:
- All CSS files are converted to LESS
- The library is localized and first set of languages can be found in locale folder
- Exposed prototypes of all major widgets in w2obj global variable for easy extensibility
- Major improvements to w2form widget
- Added support for icon fonts libraries (for example font awesome)
- Added tabs and toolbar support for w2layout panels
- Added HTML5 file upload as base64 encoded data
The long story
This release has a number of various bug changes and new features and improvements. In the list below you can find all the improvements and
new features for each widget.
- Added .tabs and .toolbar properties
- All panels are now created but hidden if not explicitly defined
- Added second argument for .get(id, returnIndex) method
- Deprecated .getIndex() method
- Deprecated .add(), .remove() methods
- Deprecated .width and .height properties
- Renamed .spacer to .resizer property
- Added .addColumn(), .removeColumn(), .getColumn() methods
- Added .hideColumn(), .showColumn() methods
- Added .addSearch(), .removeSearch(), .getSearch() methods
- Added .hideSearch(), .showSearch() methods
- Added .getSearchData() method
- Added .initColumnOnOff() method
- Added .error() method and .onError event
- Added .column.searchable property
- Added second argument for .find(obj, returnRecords) method
- Added second argument for .get(id, returnIndex) method
- Deprecated .getIndex() method
- Deprecated .width and .height properties
- Deprecated .isLoaded properties
- Renamed .showStatus() to .lock() method
- Renamed .hideStatus() to .unlock() method
- Added icon font support
- Added .doMenuClick() method
- Added second argument for .get(id, returnIndex) method
- Deprecated .getIndex() method
- Deprecated .doOver(), .doOut(), .doDown(), .doDropOver(), .doDropOut(),
- Added icon font support
- Added .topHTML and .bottomHTML properties
- Added .collapseAll(), .expandAll(), .expandParents() methods
- Added .node.plus property
- Added second argument for .get(id, returnIndex) method
- Deprecated .getIndex() method
- Renamed .doExpand() to .expand() method
- Renamed .doCollapse() to .collapse() method
- Renamed .doToggle() to .toggle() method
- Added .select() method
- Added second argument for .get(id, returnIndex) method
- Deprecated .getIndex() method
- Added .focusFirst property
- Added .header property
- Added .lock(), .unlock() methods
- Added .error() method and .onError event
- Deprecated .width and .height properties
- Deprecated .isLoaded property
- Renamed .form_html to .formHTML property
- Renamed .form_url to .formURL property
- Added .options.maximized property
- Added .min(), .max(), .toggle() methods
- Added new type list/select
- Added .addType() method
- Added .customTypes property
- Added new field type - upload
- Added w2obj global variable for easy extensibility
- Added .escapeId() method
- Added .locale() method
- Added .lang() method
- Added event.preventDefault() method for all widgets that use w2event object
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