Object of event handlers for form actions.
Sets focus to a field.
Indicates if the form should set the height of the box where it is rendered based on the form's content.
Defines dateType for the form
Array of field objects.
focus - Integer, default = 0
Indicates what field to set focus on render.
Form HTML template.
URL of the form HTML template.
The header of the form.
Object of http headers for AJAX calls.
Indicates if HTML template has been generated.
last - Object, default see below
Last state parameters
method - String, default = null
Override the method for this form.
msgAJAXerror - String, default = 'AJAX error. See console for more details.'
Error message when server returns undefined error.
msgNotJSON - String, default = 'Returned data is not in valid JSON format.'
Error message when server does not return JSON structure.
Message that appears when form refreshes.
Message that appears when form is being saved.
Default server error message that appears when server responed with an error but w/o message.
Indicates if form need to be submitted as multipart/form-data
Use field name containing dots as separator to look into object.
Original fields as they were loaded from data source.
page - Integer, default = 0
Current page.
Additional style for each form page div
Map of additional parameter to submit to remote data source.
recid - Integer, default = null
ID of the record.
Map of field values.
Object with data for the route.
Indicates the tabindex base value for generated form fields.
tabs - Object, default = {}
Tabs for the form.
Toolbar for the form.
url - String or Object, default = ''
URL to the remote data source.