
Returns date in requested format.
formatDate(dateStr, format)
dateStr string or number, date in common format
format string, format to output
The str argument can be (1) a JavaScript Date, (2) a Unix epoch, (3) any standard date, which will be used to create JavaScript Date object. To ensure correct translation it is best to pass a JavaScript Date.
The format can contain following elements:
  • yyyy
    - full year
  • yyy
    - full year
  • yy
    - 2 letter for the year (will be 3 for 2000 and over)
  • m
    - month
  • mm
    - month with leading 0
  • mon
    - 3 letters of the month
  • month
    - full text of the month
  • th
    - month suffix (st, nd, rd, th)
  • d
    - day
  • dd
    - day with leading 0

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