
age - age(dateStr)
Returns age in human readable format.
base64decode - base64decode(str)
Decodes string using base64 method.
base64encode - base64encode(str)
Encodes string using base64 method.
checkName - checkName(params, component)
Verifies if specified name was already used in w2ui object.
checkUniqueId - checkUniqueId(id, items, itemsDescription, objName)
Verifies if specified id is unique within the set.
cssPrefix - w2utils.cssPrefix(prop, val, returnString)
Adds browser specific prefixes and returns resulting css.
date - date(dateStr)
Returns date in human readable format.
decodeTags - decodeTags(str)
Decodes HTML tags.
encodeTags - encodeTags(str)
Encodes HTML tags.
escapeId - escapeId(id)
Escapes id for the use in jQuery.
formatDate - formatDate(dateStr, format)
Returns date in requested format.
formatDateTime - formatDateTime(dateStr, format)
Returns date and time in requested format.
formatNumber - formatNumber(val, [groupSymbol], [decimalSymbol])
Formats a number adding commas.
formatSize - formatSize(val)
Formats a number as file size.
formatTime - formatTime(dateStr, format)
Returns time in requested format.
getCursorPosition - w2utils.getCursorPosition(input)
Returns cursor position in an input or contentEditable element.
getSize - getSize(el, type)
Returns the size or absolute position of the element in px including padding, margin and border.
getStrWidth - getStrWidth(str, styles)
Returns width of the string in px.
hsv2rgb - hsv2rgb(color)
Converts HSV to RGB color definition
interval - interval(intStr)
Returns interval value in human readable format.
isAlphaNumeric - isAlphaNumeric(str)
Returns true if str is alpha-numeric.
isBin - isBin(str)
Returns true if str is a binary number.
isDate - isDate(str, [format], [returnDateObj])
Returns true if str is a date.
isDateTime - isDateTime(str, [format], [returnDateObj])
Returns true if str is a date and time.
isEmail - isEmail(str)
Returns true if str is a valid email address.
isFloat - isFloat(str)
Returns true if str is a float number.
isHex - isHex(str)
Returns true if str is a hex number.
isInt - isInt(str)
Returns true if str is a integer number.
isMoney - isMoney(str)
Returns true if str is in money format.
isTime - isTime(str)
Returns true if str is a valid time.
lang - lang(phrase);
Returns translation for the phrase.
locale - locale(locale);
Loads new locale
lock - lock(box, message, showSpinner)
Locks HTML element.
md5 - md5(str)
Calculated md5 hash
message - message(where, [options])
Slides down a dialog str is a date.
parseColor - parseColor(color)
Returns parsed color object.
parseRoute - parseRoute(route)
Returns parse route object.
rgb2hsv - rgb2hsv(color)
Converts RGB to HSV color definition
scrollBarSize - scrollBarSize()
Returns width of a scrollbar
setCursorPosition - w2utils.setCursorPosition(input, pos)
Sets cursor position in an input or contentEditable element.
stripTags - stripTags(str)
Removes all HTML tags.
transition - transition(div_old, div_new, type, [callBack])
Transitions two absolute DIVs.
unlock - unlock(box)
Unlocks HTML element.