Array of field objects.
Object, default = []
For each input or select control in the HTML template of the form, you need to define a corresponding object in the
fields array. A field object has following structure:
The form supports all types that $().w2field({}) supports and few more types in addition. The complete list of all types are:
- text
- textarea
- email
- pass
- password
- int
- float
- money
- currency (alias for money)
- percent
- hex
- alphanumeric
- color
- date
- time
- list
- combo
- enum
- file
- select
- radio
- checkbox
- toggle
If your HTML template is defined as :
And you have a container:
The form definition will be:
Please note that the name of the input control in the HTML template must match the name of the field. (case-sensitive). See
fields section for more information about field types.