Regular <select> input is nice, but quite limited. For example, it is hard to use this control on a large set of options. To provide a solution, I have implemented drop down list based on a text input filed but with a dynamic list of options that gets filtered as you type.
<div class="w2ui-field">
<div><input id="enum"> </div>
<div style="height: 10px; clear: both"></div>
<div class="w2ui-field">
<label>Max 2 Items:</label>
<div><input id="enum-max"></div>
<div style="height: 10px; clear: both"></div>
<div class="w2ui-field">
<div><input id="enum-custom"></div>
<div style="height: 20px"></div>
$(function () {
var pstyle = 'padding-right: 3px; color: #828AA7; text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px white;';
var people = ['George Washington', 'John Adams', 'Thomas Jefferson', 'James Buchanan', 'James Madison', 'Abraham Lincoln', 'James Monroe', 'Andrew Johnson', 'John Adams', 'Ulysses Grant', 'Andrew Jackson', 'Rutherford Hayes', 'Martin Van Buren', 'James Garfield', 'William Harrison', 'Chester Arthur', 'John Tyler', 'Grover Cleveland', 'James Polk', 'Benjamin Harrison', 'Zachary Taylor', 'Grover Cleveland', 'Millard Fillmore', 'William McKinley', 'Franklin Pierce', 'Theodore Roosevelt', 'John Kennedy', 'William Howard', 'Lyndon Johnson', 'Woodrow Wilson', 'Richard Nixon', 'Warren Harding', 'Gerald Ford', 'Calvin Coolidge', 'James Carter', 'Herbert Hoover', 'Ronald Reagan', 'Franklin Roosevelt', 'George Bush', 'Harry Truman', 'William Clinton', 'Dwight Eisenhower', 'George W. Bush', 'Barack Obama'];
$('#enum').w2field('enum', {
items: people,
openOnFocus: true,
selected: [{ id: 0, text: 'John Adams' }, { id: 0, text: 'Thomas Jefferson' }]
$('#enum-max').w2field('enum', {
items: people,
openOnFocus: true,
max: 2
$('#enum-custom').w2field('enum', {
items: people,
openOnFocus: true,
onAdd: function (event) {
if (Math.random() > 0.8) { = 'background-color: rgb(255, 232, 232); border: 1px solid red;';
renderItem: function (item, index, remove) {
var html = remove + '<span class="fa fa-trophy" style="'+ pstyle +'; margin-left: -4px;"></span>' + item.text;
return html;
renderDrop: function (item, options) {
return '<span class="fa fa-star" style="'+ pstyle +'"></span>' + item.text;
// if you need to get to the selected items, use:
// $('#id').data('selected');
options = {
items : [], // array of item objects, can be a function
selected : {}, // selected object
max : 0, // max number of selected items, 0 - unlimited
match : 'begins', // ['contains', 'is', 'begins', 'ends']
filter : true, // if true, will apply filtering
compare : null, // compare function for filtering
// -- remote items --
url : null, // url to pull data from (can support similar format as w2grid)
method : null, // default comes from w2utils.settings.dataType
postData : {}, // additional data to submit to URL
recId : null, // map retrieved data from url to id, can be string or function
recText : null, // map retrieved data from url to text, can be string or function
debounce : 250, // number of ms to wait before sending server call on search
minLength : 1, // min search length to trigger reload from URL
cacheMax : 250, // number of items to cache if retrieved from URL
// -- item and drop items --
maxItemWidth : 250, // max width for a single item
maxDropHeight : 350, // max height for drop down menu
maxDropWidth : null, // max width for drop down menu
renderItem : null, // render selected item
renderDrop : null, // render function for drop down item
// -- misc --
style : '', // style for container div
openOnFocus : false, // if true, opens drop down on focus
markSearch : false, // if true, highlights search phrase
align : '', // align drop down relative to search field
altRows : true, // if ture, will use alternate row colors
hideSelected : true, // hide selected items from drop down
msgNoItems : 'No matches',
msgSearch : 'Type to search...',
// -- events --
onAdd : null, // when item is selected from drop down
onNew : null, // when new item should be added
onRemove : null, // when item is removed
onSearch : null, // when search is triggered
onClick : null, // when item is clicked
onRequest : null, // when data is requested
onLoad : null, // when data is received
onError : null, // when data fails to load due to server error
onScroll : null, // when div with selected items is scrolled
onMouseEnter : null, // when mouse enters item
onMouseLeave : null, // when mouse leaves item
options = {
id : '', // unique id
text : '', // item text
icon : '', // icon class if any
img : '', // image class if any
disabled : false, // indicates if disabled
hidden : false, // indicates if hidden
count : null // count to display on the right
$('input[type=combo]').data('selected', { id: 1, text: 'Some text'}).change();
// or
$('input[type=combo]').w2field().set({ id: 1, text: 'Some text'});
$('input[type=combo]').data('selected', { id: 1, text: 'Some text'}).data('w2field').refresh();