VueJS Projects

Coming soon... Not ready yet
Use w2ui-starter-vue repository as a starting point. You can use it as a template to create a new repo, or you can clone it in the following way:

It provides a staring point (boilerplate) for an app that uses layout suitable for single page web applications.
See for more details.

What is Included

The following JavaScript components are included:

  • Grid - the most feature complete grid in existance
  • Forms - declarative forms, auto-generated HTML
  • Layout - user full "real estate" available
  • Toolbars - check/radio/regular buttons, drop menu, checkboxes, etc.
  • Sidebars - navigation and sub-navigation
  • Tree - sidebar can function as a tree
  • Tabs - modern looking tabs
  • Popup - alerts, confirmation boxes or general purpose popup
  • Fields - input fields upgraded
  • Utilitis - things I do not want to reimplement in each project