
bottomHTML - String, default = ''
Defines HTML on the bottom of the sidebar.
flat - Boolean, default = false
Indicates if sidebar is in the flat mode.
flatButton - Boolean, default = false
Indicates if flat button should be displayed.
hasFocus - Boolean, default = false
Indicates if sidebar has keyboard focus. Read Only.
icon - String, default = ''
Default node icon.
img - String, default = ''
Default node image.
keyboard - Boolean, default = true
Indicates if sidebar should listen to keyboard.
menu - Array, default = []
Context menu for the sidebar.
nodes - Array, default = []
Array of node objects.
parent - null
Reference to parent node. Read Only.
routeData - String, default = ''
Object with data for the route.
selected - String, default = ''
The id of the selected node. Read Only.
sidebar - Object
Reference to itself. Read Only.
topHTML - String, default = ''
Defines HTML on the top of the sidebar.

Common Properties

box - DOM Element, default = null
The DOM element where to render the object.
handlers - Array, default = []
Array of event handlers.
name - String, default = ''
Unique name for the object.
style - String, default = ''
Additional style for the .box where the object is rendered.